Meadville Family YMCA Y- Happenings Newsletter
We are pleased to share with you all the latest news and happenings from your Meadville Family YMCA

It was record year of giving for the Meadville Family YMCA. We donated $141,853 in services and financial assistance in 2021 having a positive impact on many lives in the Meadville area. Thank you to everyone who gave, supported and was part of this amazing year!

We are excited to kick off our 2022 Annual Scholarship Campaign – FIND YOUR Y! The Meadville Family YMCA staff are fortunate for the donations from our community members to be able to support our Y families! Look for more opportunities and new programs to help financial in 2022!

Dear Friends:
Those two words – for all – are the last and most powerful words of our YMCA mission statement. I believe that the volunteers, donors, and staff of our YMCA have created lasting and positive change affecting many thousands of kids, families, and adults living in Meadville.
Our Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee have been working for over 18 months to complete a strategic plan that will encompass the strategic direction for our YMCA, including program development, communications and philanthropic development. The goal is to complete this plan by July of 2022.
I am excited to say we have started new programs, grown early learning, improved our Y Care afterschool program design to include additional STEM time, and increased time for Y Readers, and are working to increase member engagement. Stay tuned to learn more about the opportunities coming up in 2022.
As always, I want to thank our growing program participants, donors, partners, funders, friends, volunteers, and our staff. The work of the YMCA in our communities depends on all of you and together we will make sure the Y can continue to offer the services our community needs.
Tina Carter, Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]

Program News
Jr. Cavs Youth Basketball
Its official we have partnered with the Cleveland Cavaliers! Each player will receive a Jr. co-branded reversible jersey and two Cavs tickets/ vouchers per participant.
Ages 6-14 can join the fun!
Click on the photo for details!

YMCA Childcare News
Pre-K Counts spaces available at Vernon Child Care!
Pre-K prepares children for reading, math, science, social skills, and problem-solving skills needed for kindergarten. Pre-k allows for children to learn and become excited about school and to be better students.

Children need to play outside every day, even in the winter. Going outside to run, jump, and yell allows children to use large muscle and work of energy. The fresh air and moving outdoors is heathier for children then keeping them inside where germs can easily be spread.
Winter play enhances brain function.
When a child is outside the movements associated with outdoor winter play beginning with the simple act of walking in snow or on ice (in thick/heavy boots and clothing, no less). Immediately, the brain is fired up! This is a new experience – and a complex one. Legs must go higher, balance is tested.
Winter outdoor play enhance creativity.
Winter brings all new possibilities for creative play, imagination and construction. Forget sand castles, build a frozen snow castle! Or snowmen, snow mountains, snow towers, snow forts, snow volcanoes, snow lanterns, snow sculptures, snow cakes, etc. You can paint the snow, eat the snow, and make angels in the snow. Snow and ice offer kids a never-ending supply of elements for creative little minds.
Winter play enhance physical development and health
Playing in the snow will get the lymphatic system moving helping to clear the body of toxins. Additionally, these outdoor winter play movements involve muscles that may not get as much use in other seasons. The simple act of pulling a sled up a hill gives the legs a magnificent workout.
National and state health and wellness best practice standards recommends daily outdoor play for young children. Caring for our young children’s national health and safety standards state:
- Infants should be taken outside two to three times a day, as tolerated.
- Toddlers and preschoolers should be allowed 60 to 90 total minutes of outdoor play.

One of the many questions I get asked is what’s a supplement source to use for burning bodyfat. A fantastic natural supplement for people to use is L-carnitine. L-carnitine is a chemical that is made in the human brain, liver, and kidneys. It helps the body turn fat into energy. L-carnitine is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes.
*Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician prior to starting a supplement of exercise program.
Tate has been with the Meadville Family YMCA for over 9 years and has had a dramatic impact on the lives of many clients here.
If you would like the opportunity to work with him, please reach out for a free visit to discuss your fitness goals!

Rally! Ride! Raise!
Calling all riders. Join the Rally for the Y and sweat to support your local community.
Riders will earn 10 cents/mile from Expresso Bike at the Downtown YMCA only for your Y. Saddle up and invite your friends and family to pledge. Raise $100 and be recognized with a Rally Badge next to your name on the leaderboards. All proceeds go directly to your local Y.
Register Today.
Learn more. Register and Pledge your support.