We are pleased to share with you all the latest news and happenings from your local Meadville Family YMCA.
Table of Contents
Message From Our CEO – Tina Carter

Dear friends, The holiday season is upon us, and it has been a very busy year for our crew at the Y. In 2022 we were able to complete many projects in our Downtown facility. Many of these projects were not visible to our members but were well needed. The projects completed are as follows:
- New Roof
- Upgraded all electrical boxes
- New windows on the second floor as well as upgraded flooring and bathroom
- Secured funding to replace all the windows on the first floor including the gym and pool area, the windows have been ordered and hopes that we get a few in before winter is upon us. If this doesn’t happen it will be spring of 2023 for installation.
- Painted the front of the building, added new lights and a new sign
- Added AC/heating units in all childcare space
We were fortunate to have secured funding for all these projects and there was no need for any financing. 2023 will be even busier with the new projects we have planned. We will be kicking off a capital campaign to raise funds for several large projects. The projects included are:
- Renovation of the pool space to create a multipurpose room that will be used for fitness classes, family events, free dinners and so much more.
- New floor in our gymnasium
- Renovation of the men’s shower room
- Conversation of steam room to sauna
- New ramp in the front of the building
These new projects will total almost $500,000 and we are excited to announce that we have already raised $232,000 towards these projects. If you have a passion for one of our projects listed and would like to donate funds to a specific project, we will apply your donated funds to that area of improvement. Please feel free to email Tina, [email protected] or Hannah, [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you,
Tina Carter, CEO
We couldn’t have done it without your support

2023 Get Fit Challenge
During this 2023 Fitness Challenge our staff will support you to reach your 12-week fitness goals. Throughout the 12 weeks there will be weekly check ins or weigh ins along with 12 information sessions about healthy living and nutrition topics. There will be a point system measured each week; for example, points for attending these weigh ins and healthy living courses, participating in fitness classes, working out at our facilities and more. Compete against other members individually or as a 4-person team for not only bragging rights but cash prizes! Click on the image to register on our website.
No Team? No problem! Sign up individually to participate for $60 for the 12 weeks.
4-Person Team? Please register each member of your team separately for $60 per person for the 12 weeks.
January 2023 Membership Special

A new year is upon us and sometimes our New Year Resolutions are hard to get started! It takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to form a lifestyle. Sign up for 3 months (90days) in January 2023 and get the first month on us! Stop in or call during the month of January and ask about this limited time membership offer.
Programs: Youth Soccer Clinic and More!
Youth Soccer Clinic
During our clinic your child will run through all drills and skills necessary to play soccer. Each week we will focus on a certain skill leading up to our last week. Players should wear athletic clothing. A player can wear outdoor soccer rubber studded cleats (no metal), or tennis shoes. Shin guards are suggested but not required. Please bring water for practice and games. Click on the image to learn more about our upcoming sessions!
- Week 1 – Basic Rules/Sport Overview
- Week 2 – Ball Control/Dribbling Skills
- Week 3 – Passing/Body Control
- Week 4 – Shooting/Position
- Week 5 -Half practice/Half Scrimmage
- Week 6 – Game Week!
At the Y, everyone belongs, and everyone has the opportunity to participate regardless of the ability to pay. Our donors and staff work and generously give to ensure that EVERYONE gets to have a Y experience. Please don’t hesitate to inquire about our financial assistance opportunities.
And More!
To see all active programs simply click the link – Programs – Meadville YMCA – where you can find dates, times, and all the registration details. We are continuing to expand our Y programs that we offer to our members and non-members to better impact our community. Make sure to follow our newsletter and check out our website for any upcoming and new program additions!
- Adaptive Sports
- Kids Night Out
- Baby Sound Circle
- Ninja Warrior
- TaeKwonDo
- Youth Soccer Clinic
- Youth Dance Classes
- Youth Volleyball
- Play Space
- Birthday Parties
- Daddy or Mommy and Me Classes
- Recreation Gymnastics
- Private Gymnastics Lessons
- Private Pilates Lessons
- Nutritional Counseling at Both Locations!
- Personal Training at Both Locations!
Classes for Our Y Members
Flexibility 101
Our new Flexibility 101 Class at the Downtown Y Branch is still growing! Join Tammy on Mondays from 7:30am to 8:15am. Are you looking for improved flexibility and better posture? You can expect exercises and stretching designed just for you that will have tremendous benefits in reducing the chances of a late in life injury. Attend regularly and you can expect better posture, reduced lower back and sciatic pain, increased range of motion, lower stress levels, promoted blood circulation, and reduced risk of injury or fall.
And More!
To see all active classes and schedules simply click the link – Classes – Meadville YMCA – where you can find dates, times, and descriptions. We are continuing to expand our Y classes that we offer to our members and. Make sure to follow our newsletter and check out our website for any upcoming and new class additions!
Current Classes:
- Flexibility 101
- Low Impact SilverSneakers® Classic
- Multiple Sclerosis Group
- Seniors in Motion
- SilverSneakers® Circuit
- SilverSneakers® Classic
- Strength and Conditioning
- Strength Training
- Tabata Circuit 1 and 2
- Total Body Fitness
- Zumba®
Current Classes with Reservations:
- Cycling Fusion
- Pilates Reformer
We Are Hiring!
Imagine going to work knowing that what you do each day positively affects the lives of the people in your community. Working at the Y, you’ll discover more than a job – you’ll enjoy the opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of those around you. The Meadville Family YMCA currently has several part-time and full-time positions open. Check out our Facebook page and website to see our current open positions!